Phone: +1 (747) 214 - 5640
We are proud to offer free shipping on all orders. All our prices and shipping costs include tax, so you don’t need to pay any tax. We will notify you by email or SMS of the expected delivery date. If we are unable to deliver to your location, we will contact you by phone or email so that we can adjust your order accordingly.
Ship to: USA
Note:We apologize that the P.O.Boxes and military addresses(APO, FPO) can not be delivered.
Third-party:FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.
The Estimated Delivery Time:Processing Time + Shipping Time
Processing Time:0-1 (working days)
Shipping Time:7 -15 (Nature days)
Countries Shipping Method Shipping Time Shipping Cost
USA Expedited Express 7 -16 nature days $0
Countries Shipping Method Shipping Cost
USA Expedited Express $0
Although we make every effort to stock all the products on the market, some are still sold out. If the product you ordered is out of stock, we will send you an update via e-mail as soon as possible. You can either continue with your order or cancel it. If you can keep your order on hold, we will make every effort to ship your order as soon as possible. Once you decide to proceed with your order, then we will have a personal customer service representative follow up with you on the production time of your order as well as the shipping time.
Countries Shipping Method Shipping Cost
USA Expedited Express $0
For customized products, we will have a special customer service to contact you, she will follow up the progress of your product, customized products usually spend more time than ordinary products, but please rest assured that we will have a special customer service staff to follow up your production situation and production dynamics, once the end of the production, she will inform you of the transport tracking number and query link.
1. When you place your order, you will receive a Purchase Confirmation email confirming your Order # and purchase details.
2. Within 2-3 working days after the order is successfully shipped, we will send your order tracking number to your registered email address by email.
3. You buy something out of stock products or custom-products and have to wait for the production cycle of the goods, Once the product is out of the warehouse, it is sent by Expedited Express.
4. All our prices include all customs duties and taxes, so you won't have to pay extra. However, certain specific destinations might have additional tax requirements.
5. During public holidays, since manufacturers and courier companies will restrict operations during this period, shipping time may be affected. While it is unfortunate that this is out of our control, we will make every effort to improve it.
6. If you receive your order damaged during shipping, please contact the shipment carrier immediately and keep all packaging materials for filing a claim.
Phone: +1 (747) 214 - 5640
Open Hours: Mon-Sun: 7 x 24
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
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